Ireland Chapter of PMI

Welcome to the Ireland Chapter of the PMI Podcast - Episode 3


Hi all,  


Welcome to Episode 3 of the Ireland Chapter of the PMI Podcast. If it’s your first time here, thanks for tuning in. Go back and listen to episode one and two of course. If you’re returning, welcome back! I’m Rob O’Donohue and am the director for Member Communications for the Ireland Chapter.  


So this is a Big month for the Ireland Chapter as we have our national conference in the Aviva. It’s the BIGGEST Annual Project Management Conference in Ireland and it’s on for the full day of Thursday 26th April.  The Theme is ‘The Change Makers’ where we discuss managing, driving and achieving change!  


Notable speakers include Dr Norah Patten, who is on course to become Ireland’s first ever astronaut. She will discuss her involvement in the scientist-astronaut training programme run by NASA and the project skills that have proven so critical to the success of space missions. 


Gerald Fleming, chair of the Public Weather Services Programme at the World Meteorological Organization, and former head of forecasting at Met Éireann, will also speak at the conference. He will explore the changes made by the Irish Meteorological Service that help us to navigate extreme weather events, such as Storm Ophelia in October 2017. 


Anton Savage, noted broadcaster and MD of The Communications Clinic, will MC the event, and deliver a masterclass on how business leaders can communicate more effectively. He will also chair a discussion with a panel of the 2017 National Project Award winners on overcoming resistance to change to deliver projects successfully. 


We still have a small number of tickets left. There is a special rate for groups over +5 depending on availability, a Student rate and the full rate. You can register on the site – link is in the show notes for this episode. So check it out & I look forward to seeing you there. I’ll be recording a podcast on the day so do say hello and be ready to answer the project management question of the day that I'll be asking!   


If you enjoy the show, be sure to like, review, rate, share, tweet, post, and even talk about it to others.  

Also, I’m eager to interview you, the PMI Chapter Members, about your own Project Management careers. Get in touch! 


So, this month, I talk with Jackie Glynn, the PMI Vice President of the Chapter. Jackie has been a member of the Chapter since the late 1990's. We chat about her career in project management and how her involvement in the Ireland chapter has been of value. Lots more covered in the ten-minute Q&A. I hope you enjoy it!  



I hope you enjoyed the show.  




Listen to "Ireland Chapter PMI Podcast | Episode 3 | Jackie Glynn" on Spreaker.