Ireland Chapter of PMI

Benefits Led Change: Reflections On Recent Chapter Event

sponsors-collage November 2022

A poll taken of those attending the recent Ireland Chapter event on Benefits Led Change in Dublin on 26th October brought up some interesting results which warrant further consideration.


62% were not convinced/not sure of the success of the approach to benefits realisation in their organisation

40% cited benefits not being bankable as their organisation’s number one challenge

33% cited a lack of management focus on benefits as a significant challenge for their organisation

Commitment and Sustainability

63% cited organisation culture as the biggest factor for the sustainability of Benefits Led Change

50% have the support of the CEO and Executive Team for benefits realisation

Organisational Cross Function Working on Benefits (PMO/Finance/Performance Management, Comms and Others)

33% said that that cross-function working on benefits is done poorly in their organisation

39% said that cross-function working on benefits is sometimes successful in their organisation

What Does This Tell Us?

The old adage ‘nothing gets done without ownership’ rings so true with benefits realisation and this basic principle underpins getting it right within your organisation. Without the right ownership and accountability benefits don’t get realised, a simple fact. You will be familiar with CEOs and Executive Teams leading out on their change and taking ownership of strategy and delivery. However, this doesn’t always play out when it comes to benefits realisation and there are many complex drivers for this. Remember benefits highlight failure as well as success. Whether your organisation is a private company, a public company, a government organisation or a not-for-profit, there are many factors that influence the leadership of benefits and related behaviours. These include:

• The Media

• Shareholder expectations

• Public expectations

• Staff expectations

• Customer expectations

• Government/regulatory expectations

There are also important differentiators between sectors. For example, the Government sector is generally subject to more politically motivated scrutiny/probity than the Private Sector and the Media can have a dramatic impact on public policy and the ambitions of politicians. Public companies or PLCs are driven by the market share price, and this can have a dramatic effect on leadership of benefits; timing is everything. All of this points towards the complex interdependent nature of change and benefits along with the need to get the leadership right.

My soon to be published Ireland Chapter book will explore all of these factors, largely through the lens of leadership, behaviours. and cross function working. I’m also presenting on Benefits Led Change at the PMI Global Summit in Las Vegas in December and I look forward to sharing more insight. After all when it comes to managing change; why are we doing this?

Peter Glynne

Vice President Ireland Chapter of PMI