Ireland Chapter of PMI



The Ireland Chapter of PMI has hosted some excellent events over the past months and years.  Here is a taster of some of them. 

You can also subscribe to our YouTube Channel to stay up to date.  


Risk Identification
Leading and Managing your project from a distance
Project Managers: Brace the Xfactor of Digital Transformation
Crisis Management 
The Project Manager Who Smiled: The Value of Fun in Projects
Fake Agile and The Project Manager
What Really is Program Management?
Pandemic and The PPM
Agile: A Principles Based Framework 
Introducing Design Thinking Methods in Project Management
Making it Easier to Learn and Practice Project Management
The Implementation of Disciplined Agile
Nearly Universal Principles of Projects
How to Build Engaged and Outperforming Teams and a Power of Belonging
Covid-19 is Eating Strategy for Breakfast
Social Intelligence: Why we need it and how we can get it
Getting To The Heart of Change
Microsoft Project Plan 1 for the Accidental Project Manager
Business Continuity Post Covid
Stakeholder Engagification: How to get people to take action on projects

Ireland Chapter of PMI - 2019 National Awards

PMI Awards Social Good Community & Private Sector National POTY

PMI Awards Jubilee

PMI Awards Social Good Corporate & Public Sector POTY

PMI Awards Private Sector Multinational POTY, PMO & Project Professional of the Year

Project Professional and Private POTY

Social Good Community & PMO


PMI Leadership Institute Meeting May 2019




Check out the closing video with some highlights of PMI Leadership Institute Meeting 2019 - EMEA, held in the National Conference Cente in Dublin. Revisit the learning, networking and fun when more than 300 volunteer leaders attended the PMI leadership Institute Meeting. 

You can also subscribe to the PMI YouTube Channel to keep up to date with PMI news from around the world.