Ireland Chapter of PMI

Meet Prof Sue Black OBE - National Conference Speaker


“If I can do it, so can you!” is the catch-cry, central theme and call to action that our Keynote Speaker, Prof Sue Black OBE holds dear. Take your seat on the 11th March 2021, as she charts her incredible rise from technology fan to Technology Evangelist, University Lecturer, OBE and Government Advisor. 

You’ll see the world from Sue's dual perspective – the lows and the highs. Indeed, it’s her ability to look at the world from different angles, that has driven much of Sue's success. And as you might imagine, when she shares her journey, its less about her history and more about your future. 

In the darkest of times, we all need a lift. So, you will find Sue's passion and optimism simply contagious. And of course, encased in this incredible style, is some real substance, as Sue offers a practical “prescription for success”. 

There will be essential tips on popping the “Mentor Question’, getting recognition at work, making your case for new roles or promotions and the positive impact of giving, to accelerate your career.  On the latter Sue notes that campaigning to save Bletchley Park (a wartime code breaking centre powered by hitherto unrecognised women) she had to recruit media and peers to her cause, and raised her own profile as an unintended by-product.
While most of us will never earn a doctorate in computer science or save a historical site, you will not walk away from Prof Sue’s message without being motivated to make a difference in your career, family or community.

But don’t take our word for it, join us in a virtual front row seat, and hear from Prof Sue herself.