Ireland Chapter of PMI

Ireland Chapter of PMI

Ireland Chapter of PMI National Awards 2024 Application Form

Review the National Awards 2024Eligibility and Judging Process pages prior to submitting your application.

Please fill in the form in one session with your finalised responses, since the form does not offer save or edit options.

Please select the award.

Please fill in the name of the PMO.

Please fill in the name of the project.

Please enter the name of your company.

Please let us know the name of the Nominee.

Please let us know the position of the Nominee.

Please let us know the Nominee's phone number.

Please enter the name of Under 35 Changemaker

Please let us know Nominee's email address.

Please let us know the position of the Nominee.

Please let us know the Nominee's phone number.

Please let us know your name.

Please let us know your email address.

Please enter the address.

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Please let us know your position.

Please let us know your phone number.

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Q1: Give us your 'Elevator Pitch' for why this PMO should be nominated for an award. (Maximum 300 words)

Please provide the information.

Q2: Functions of the PMO (Maximum 500 words)
Describe the function of the PMO by outlining the following:
a) Does the PMO support project/program/portfolio management function for the business as an enterprise or as a functional /business unit? If so, please describe your PPM process for selection, balancing and management.)
b) Interfaces: How did the management of the PMO interface and collaborate with other areas and disciplines?

Please provide the information.

Q3: Results and Benefits of the PMO (Maximum 500 words)
Consider the following:
a) Contribution to successful outcomes for the organisation in terms of improved project management maturity.
b) Contribution to the organisation in terms of knowledge management and culture. What is the legacy that the PMO has established?
c) Contribution to the project management community in terms of capability and skills.

Please provide the information.

Q4: Innovation (Maximum 500 words)
Consider the following:
a) Challenges overcome: What difficulties were anticipated and/or unforeseen during the delivery of this PMO? How were these challenges overcome?
b) Managing innovation: What innovations were there in the way the PMO was delivered for your organisation? What makes your PMO.

Please provide the information.

Q1: Provide a brief overview of the project briefly describing the solution that was implemented. Present your response as your elevator pitch to sell the project. (Maximum 300 words)

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Q2: Business Acumen (Strategic Business Management)

This section should outline the business rationale for your project, the stakeholders and the expected benefits. Focus on the business aspects of your project, business case justification and the benefits that were identified and realised. (Maximum 900 words)

Your response should include appropriate consideration of the following areas:

  • Project Rationale and Business Case
  • Stakeholders
  • Benefits
  • Governance
Please provide the information.

Q3: Power Skills (Leadership)

This section should outline the leadership and governance for your project, highlighting where good practice was applied and summarising how the challenges were addressed. Focus on the structure of governance and the competency in guiding and motivating the team. (Maximum 900 words)

Your response should include appropriate consideration of the following areas:

  • Leadership
  • Innovation, project scope and managing complexity
  • People development
Please provide the information.

Q4: Ways of Working (Technical Project Management)

This section should outline the approach to technical project management summarising the approach to scope, cost and schedule. Please outline the approach and give specific examples that bring your project to life for the judges. (Maximum 900 words)

Your response should include appropriate consideration of the following areas:

  • Management of cost
  • Management of timeline/schedule
  • Scope quality and change
  • Application of good PM practice
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Q1: Give us your 'Elevator Pitch' for why this Person should be considered for this award - detailing a summary of their contribution to the PM profession throughout their career to date. Please also attach a CV of the Nominee (Maximum 300 words excluding word count on CV. Maximum length of CV 3 pages)

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Q2: Describe what the exceptional contributions are and how these have made a lasting positive impact on the projects that they have worked on throughout their career (Maximum 500 words)

Please provide the information.

Q3: Describe how exceptional contributions the nominee has made have benefited the project management community within their organisation and/or community throughout their career (Maximum 500 words)

Please provide the information.

Q4: Describe the contribution that demonstrates excellence in leadership/innovation/mentoring and initiative. In your response please provide two specific examples that show where the nominee has demonstrated exceptional contribution to the organisation and PM professional community in these areas. (Maximum 500 words)

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Please attach your CV (3 pages, up to 20MB, doc/pdf/xls/ppt)

Please upload your CV.

Please attach your CV (maximum 3 pages) and Two Letters of Support (up to 20MB, doc/pdf/xls/ppt)

Please upload your CV and two support letters.


Word limits: Word limits given in questions are not restricted in responses, however, responses over the word limits will be penalized in the judging process. Thus, it is recommended for applicants stay within the word limits.

Privacy Policy: Ireland Chapter of PMI will act as the data controller. Personal information that is processed as part of the Ireland Chapter of PMI National Awards submission is used primarily to support the nomination, judging, interview and recognition phases of the Ireland Chapter of PMI National Awards Programme. By submitting an application, you consent to your personal data being processed for these purposes. This includes sending email reminders relating to your nomination application status, and advising nominated parties in the Project Professional of the Year category, who may choose to opt out of the process.

Shortlisted nominations will be requested to participate in a short video testimonial, which will be used during the Ireland Chapter of PMI National Awards event. Nominators agree that any personal information included in the testimonial may be used development and publication of marketing material, promotional publications, websites, media publications and coverage, videos, and other materials in connection with the Ireland Chapter of PMI National Awards. Once the Ireland Chapter of PMI National Awards programme is completed, personal information in the Ireland Chapter of PMI National Awards Systems and Videoconferencing Technologies will not be maintained.

If you have any questions about the processing of your personal data in the Ireland Chapter of PMI Systems and Videoconferencing Technologies, please email